Passionate about healthy and sustainable food

Nutrition and quality food are fundamental to health, well-being, and quality of life. A balanced diet not only nourishes the body but also serves as a source of joy, playing a vital role in our social and cultural lives.

Our mission is to identify natural, healthy, and accessible products and bring them closer to you, making healthy eating a reality for everyone. We focus on products that reflect sustainability values and respect for the environment, promoting a diet that supports both the body and the planet.

What we offer

Healthy, authentic, and easy-to-cook products

We are the exclusive importer in Romania for renowned brands from the European Union, offering a diverse range of products from Italy, Spain, Greece, and France. Each product is carefully selected, embodying the concept of “Eat local, Act global.” This means that through your choices at the store, you contribute to planetary sustainability and a healthier lifestyle.

Our distribution network:

  • International retail chains: Mega Image, Carrefour, Auchan, Kaufland
  • Cash & carry stores: Selgros
  • Pharmacy networks: BebeTei, Farmacia Tei, Dr.Max
  • E-Sales: Freshful, Sezamo, eMAG
  • Travel retail: Airports, duty-free stores
  • Gourmet boutiques: Bucharest, Sibiu, Brașov, Constanța

By the numbers:

  • Over 1,500,000 products sold annually
  • More than 300 products in our portfolio, carefully selected
  • Over 200,000 consumers regularly enjoy our products
  • More than 50 satisfied clients, including retail chains, pharmacies, and online stores
  • Over 20 suppliers from Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany, and Spain

Our commitment to consumers

Quality in every step

In our 6 years of activity, we have tasted over 1,000 products and selected the healthiest, most delicious, and nutritionally rich ones. We collaborate with over 100 partners – suppliers and clients – to bring certified, authentic, and high-quality products to our consumers.

Closer to origins

We cater to an audience of active individuals, regardless of age, who seek easy-to-cook meals with a strong focus on health and authenticity. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and certification for all the products in our portfolio.

Omnichannel presence

We ensure our products are accessible to consumers through all distribution channels – whether traditional retail, online, or gourmet boutiques.